Sunday, October 31, 2010

My First Piano Trio 9.30.10

One of my 2010 goals was to arrange two pieces for my kids to play as a piano trio: Kate on piano, Sophie on violin, and Josh on cello.  I'd started one months ago but it never got further than writing out the melody for the instruments.

Then I was asked if my kids could do something for our ward's Primary Program at the end of October (one Sunday a year, the main meeting of our congregation is turned over to the children's organization.  The kids do almost all of the talking and singing.  It gets pretty entertaining.)  When I got the assignment, I decided it was time to get started for real.

I thought I had until the end of October, but then Josh signed himself (and his sisters) up for a performance in his seminary class on Oct. 1.  So September 29 and 30 found me at the keyboard, scribbling away, trying to finish in time to allow the kids to actually practice once or twice before an 8:10 call time.  I'm not a natural at this composing business.  I don't have a lot of experience.  I am constantly second guessing myself.  This was NOT an easy process.  But I did it...after lots of prayer and erasing and more prayer and more erasing.  I 2 am of the night before the performance.

And they DID get to play it once or twice before school.

It's just too bad once or twice wasn't enough...Not nearly enough, especially for the seven year old pianist.  And despite the sloppiness of the seminary performance, I was quite proud of my efforts AND their efforts.

I was also grateful we had another four weeks before our real performance.  Even though I'd been cursing Josh earlier for forcing me to finish the piece early, it was definitely a blessing in disguise.  So now I've finished one.  I guess I'd better get started on the second...maybe I'll do a Christmas song.

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