Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer Fun

Today I got to run with a chukar.  It was hysterical.  It would run past me on the street, then pause while I caught up, then run some more.  I love chukars.  And dang, they're fast.

My cute friend Tracy has some brilliant chore ideas.  We tried this one on Saturday and my kids asked (yes, ASKED) to do it again today.  Woo-hoo!

I had my neighbor and her kids to breakfast this morning.  I just texted her on the spur of the moment.  They ran down and we all had Swedish pancakes.

Since I've been told by my children oh so many times that last summer was terrible (and it kinda was), I told my kids that we're going to keep track of everything fun we do on a calendar so I can PROVE that it was a good summer.  I've already needed to pull it out and say, "No, it hasn't been a boring summer...SEE?  Here's PROOF."  And every day has had something fun.  Here's hoping it stays that way!

(Anyone else think having fun is hard work?)


Jill W said...

Sometimes I'm way up on planning and executing fun, then I get burned out and don't do it for a while. It is hard work to have fun! JillW

Christina said...

I read the link. Cool idea! Thanks for sharing!

Kim Furnell said...

what's a chuckar??? It's another Utah thing, isn't it?

Kerri said...

Kim, this is a chukar:

(I don't know how to make links in comments. Sorry.) I had never seen or heard one before we moved to NSL, but they're all over my yard and neighborhood and I kind of fell in love with them. I still love quail best, but chukars are so hysterical.

Jill, yes. It's hard work. But it's fun, right?

Lara Neves said...

Your friend is a genius. We're doing something similar, but now I'm wishing I had put more fun activities in.

Amber said...

I do like that idea. I'll have to try it. I didn't know what a chukar is, either.

Anonymous said...

:) Sometimes i wonder if I will have to prove that their childhood was good and not boring! :) Are you running the raglan again this year? If so, good luck! xoxo

Wendi said...

Having fun IS definitely hard work. It shouldn't be, right? It's just because we are the makers of the fun. I'm not too worries about my kids having fun anymore. We just need to get out once in a while and that's fun enough.