Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Home Again

Back from California...

We had a wonderful time with my family over the weekend. My mom turned 60 (!) on Monday, and it happened to be our school UEA break, so we drove down on Friday and home Tuesday. I dreaded the drive, but it ended up being quite nice. We listened to books on CD, the kids watched DVD's, we talked, and I even got to read. Ben didn't love being stuck in the car seat, but he even did better than expected. I love having low expectations. I'm so rarely disappointed, and often pleasantly surprised.


Tracy said...

My mom turned 60 a few weeks ago! :) So glad it went better than you thought it would! Betchya have tons of e-mails. :) !!

Malisa said...

I am still so glad it was a good trip for you. And as I said earlier, HOORAY, HOORAY, Kerri's home!!!