Friday, January 25, 2008

How Life REALLY is...

So I have a dear friend who called me one day, feeling pretty low after reading some blogs. "Is her life REALLY the way her blog says it is? Can anyone's life really be that perfect? Cute and kind husband, darling children, wonderful extended family, blah blah blah..."

Now I KNOW there's no danger of anyone who knows me thinking that MY life is perfect (because we all know the truth.) But in the spirit of sisterhood, here are some of the ways my life is far from perfect...

1. The laundry

2. Have I mentioned the *&()*%#^& braces?

3. I had cake for lunch today. Not just one piece. And for afternoon snack, too. Not just one piece.

4. My kids sometimes watch TV BEFORE getting their work done (Gasp)

5. I like to watch TV more than I'd like to admit (Project Runway, anyone?)

6. I didn't shower for two days last week (I'm blaming the baby)

7. The many deep dark secrets not fit for public postings, and maybe not even for phone conversations (I do have a little pride).

8. I can't for the life of me get these last 5 pounds off my body (that's last 5 pounds of baby weight, not last 5 pounds of extra weight). What? You think the four pieces (or was it five?) of cake I ate today might have something to do with that?

9. Did I mention the laundry?

So, Malisa, this is for you. I can make a longer list, if you'd like. It could include $90 late fees at the library (that only happened once, I promise), chicken nuggets for my kids more days than I can count, not doing visiting teaching (they finally released me altogether), procrastinating most things of any importance, yelling at my children, allowing them to practice very poorly way too often, not clipping the dog's nails, keeping Ben in bed with us and letting him nurse to sleep for naps, and oh my, I had better stop now...


Anonymous said...


You are wonderful, just the way you are.

Shannon said...

I love it, Kerri! We have so many things in common! :)

Our EyreLife said...

You make me laugh. Letting the laundry pile up means you have more important things to do. Nursing your baby to sleep means you are WILLING to nurse (unlike so many doofs these days), braces will come off one day, and your kids ADORE the fact that you'll let them watch a little tube before the dust pan fills up. Heavens, Kerri, you're doing great. I truely admire you.

Tracy said...

Fantastic post Kerri - love, love it! All of us moms need to read it - it's comforting and wonderful. :)