Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some Things I Kinda Like about Being a Mom

The way Ben wriggles in delight when I pick him up.
Kate telling me she missed me "awl day wong."
Watching Josh tickle Ben.
Seeing Sophie grow into this really cool chick. She's got the hipness I always wanted...without working at it. But wait, she's only 8...she really shouldn't be so hip.
The smell of Baby Magic after Ben's bath.
Watching Kate do five 63 piece puzzles in a row with no help.
Listening to Josh practice cello.
Seeing the kidlets help each other through hard times (Sophie banged her hip yesterday and Kate and Josh held her up and walked her to me. So sweet. It almost makes up for the 80% of the time that they're bickering.)

It's not an easy job, this mother thing. I go about it all wrong most of the time, but somehow, they're turning out to be really neat people. (Remind me that I felt like that today, because tomorrow I may want to lock them in a closet for a few hours.)


Tracy said...

Loved this post Kerri! Reminds me of the good things too - Thank you!

Shannon said...

Aw! Those are definitely the good parts of being Mom!