Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Beautiful Sisters, Take Two

I have not yet been convinced that taking down the previous pictures I posted is necessary (bribes still accepted...) but I think you should see my sisters in their more natural settings...

It's true, they don't look as glamorous as they did in my last post. Hope you'll forgive me, girls.


Loralee and the gang... said...

...I love Coeur d'Alene too! And we have friends who go white water rafting on the St. Joe every year on Memorial Day. Maybe someday I'll have the courage to go with them...
And WEEKly neighborhood BBQ's? Awesome! What a fun place to live!

Gaylene said...

Much nicer photos, but I think the other's show their true selves! Sorry Bri and Chelsea--but we have to do it sometimes just to be "big sisters"