Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swift Kick in the Pants

After reviewing conversations with many different friends over the last few days, I realized something about myself. My optimistic self has a real gift for complaining. Now, I know there is something to say for rallying the troops, for recognizing that all of us have hard and nasty paths to walk at times. I know that we need our friendships to stay real, for our friends to paint the real picture of life, and not just tell us how rosy their lives are. But in all of the talking I've done this week, I don't know if I really painted the real picture. I think I've just plain been a big fat baby.

Sure, life stinks sometimes. An over-the-top grumpy and sick baby makes me exhausted. Too little sleep and too much cleaning makes me exhausted. Living in Limbo Land makes me exhausted. My inadequacies make me crazy. The economy? It stinks! Believe me, I could go on and on about the imperfections of life. that all I should be noticing?

No. No. And again NO.

So here's the real picture.

Life is messy. But life is beautiful.

Ben had seven time outs today and had seven terrible diapers. BUT...he also grinned at me with that angelic face, with shining blue eyes, and patted my back, copied everything his buddy Kyle did, and wanted me to sing "There's a Little Wheel Turning in My Heart" at bedtime.

Sophia threw a massive fit about practicing today. BUT...she also said that one of her favorite parts of the day was seeing her violin teacher and having a good violin lesson.

Josh got caught playing his DS for the third hour. BUT...he admitted that he shouldn't be with a charming grin and made me laugh.

Kate cried and cried because the other kids were outside playing while she was still having to practice. BUT...she finished and told me how proud she was of finishing.

I ate too many pieces of cake today (maybe five? or six? or seven?). BUT...they were little pieces of cake, they tasted darned good AND I ran this morning.

On our run this morning, Bliss, Liz and I talked about the next life, and the promise that all things will be restored to their perfect and proper frame. (Is that the right quote? I don't feel like looking it up right now. I'll change it later if I'm wrong.) We were all talking about our imperfections and how much things bother us about ourselves, and we wondered if we would really be "perfect" in some abstract physical ideal or if we simply would be perfect because we loved ourselves as we were. Maybe that's what I want in this love my life as it is and to stop looking for some other kind, some unattainable kind of perfection.

Life is messy. It's hard, it's sometimes outright nasty, but dang, would we really want it any other way?


Amber said...

You earn the gold star of motherhood today, Kerri. What a day, but way to see the positives in all of it! I would have liked in on that running conversation, too.

Liz said...

Well said!!! AND you helped a neighbor AND said neighbor's kids LOVED being with you and your family! Could Alison hanging with Josh be any cuter??? I enjoyed our conversation this morning. I loved contemplating the future and realizing that we can live that way NOW and feel closer to heaven NOW! I can't define "perfect," but I appreciate you and Bliss helping me to see that my idea of "perfect" is a bit off! I hope things in Limboland get easier!!! Love you!

Gaylene said...

I don;t know if it's the right quote either, but in my "perfect frame" I want to be 5'10", 165 lbs and have a runners body without having to run--ever. Is that too much to ask for?
I love your posts and I really don't think of them as being pessimistic! Have you read mine?
I am Mrs. Pessimist--keep up the good work as a mom and friend and wife and runner and...

Lara Neves said...

That's an excellent thought about perfection: Loving ouselves as we are. I'm sure we should always be progressing, but maybe if we had a more positive outlook on our weaknesses, we'd be a lot happier.

Yay for lots of cake! I say that's a great day, especially if you ran.

Danielle said...

I have always believed that our version of perfect isn't God's version. I like the idea of re-tooling my idea of perfect here. You are great!

Shannon said...

I agree about the complaining and the gratitude for life as it is. It feels good to vent, and it feels good to notice the great things in your life. Very interesting thoughts on perfection. I am always thinking about/looking for the balance between accepting and being happy with who I am, as I am... yet still wanting to improve and be better.