Sunday, May 24, 2009

All is Well

Don't despair. I am alive and kicking. The "aaarrrggghhh" of the last post was simply cosmic angst. OK, not so much cosmic angst as earthly hair-pulling. Preparing a house for selling is like the first couple weeks of braces...way worse than you think it's going to be, with pain that lasts weeks longer than it should.

I have amazing friends who have helped me through the process (and of course a husband who does more in one day than I accomplish in a week.) Thank you Malisa, and Prisca, and Christina, and Liz, and everybody else.

I'm going to cast a little special praise Malisa's way, though. Amazing woman...she installed baseboards (YES! She knows how to DO that!) in my sunroom one Saturday, and came back the following Monday to paint the baseboards and the walls. That Monday, she stayed from 9:15 until 3:00, helping me and Prisca throw things into closets when the realtor's photographer came two hours early to take pictures of my home. Then she came back later in the week, WITH LUNCH, and reorganized my entire toy closet. Remarkable.

How did I end up with friends like these? Grace. Pure and simple.


Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see all that is in store for you and your beautiful yours...:) Even happier for you to have such wonderful friends to help you and enjoy these last blissful moments in Eden! My heart goes out to you...moving is hard. Definitley helps to know it is the right thing. Laya, trina

Lori said...

Wow! I need a Malisa. In fact everyone should have a Malisa in their life. Not that I need baseboards....but I could use lunch an organized closet :)

Malisa said...

"When we're helping, we're happy
and we sing as we go.
And we like to help Kerri,
For we all love her so."

As I'm sitting here really bummed tonight, that Primary song came to mind. It really is true that we're happy when we help others. I have been SO glad to help you and can't wait to come back! It is so sweet of you to be so grateful. I love Lori's comment: "Everyone should have a Malisa in their life." If only it were so. :)

I think I'm going to go by an organization book of my own tomorrow. Organizing brings me joy. Daniel and I were talking today about what I might do when the kids are all in school. (We all know that I'm NOT going back to teach junior high math!) I'm not sure that I really want to work(if I don't have to) - I just want to help people a lot with the things that I'm good at.

Pemberley Court said...

Wow!!! You are so blessed to have a friend like that!

Hey - do you remember me???? Elaine Sheets (Spencer now) from YL3rd? I saw your post on Jenny's blog and had to come over and say "Hi" to you!

Amber said...

so where are you headed to? How is the market in SL? Good Luck--keeping it organzied and clean for the lookiloos is a tall order!

Pemberley Court said...

Thanks Kerri! We are living in the Antelope Valley right now...been here for almost 7 years. We are looking to move to Dallas TX in about 2 months. I have only lived outside CA for 9 months in UT. So I am a bit nervous but hear wonderful things about TX from lots of people. Looks like you are gonna move as well? Very Exciting.

So glad I found you!
