Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Boy and His Boots

Ahh, the joys of childhood obsessions. I LOVE the passions toddlers have for the most random things. Josh used to have a plastic fish that he called Gill (ha ha) and it slept on a tiny plastic skateboard for a few days next to Josh's pillow...

Where was I?

Oh, yes. Ben. Ben and his boots. This boy loves (adores) his boots, given to him by my friend Linda, whose son Andy also loved (adored) these boots. For the last six months, he has worn these boots 95% of the time that he's wearing shoes. They have been to church, on walks, to a wedding, to Disneyland, to bed, through snow, through rain, and everywhere else a little blondie boy can take them.

But, alas, sometimes the boots go missing. This is dreadfully disturbing to all of us. But Ben has found a way to survive without his cowboy boots. He borrows his sisters' boots.

These are Ben's boots:

These are not:

And neither are these:

How does he manage to pull off the hot pink snowboots or the gray and purple snowboots that go up to his knees? I'm not sure, but the kid has style.


Gaylene said...


Amber said...

Great pictures! The pink boots, along with his stance, is my favorite.

Liz said...

And he usually manages to get them on the wrong feet AND I LOVE IT!!! Cute kid! Oh...and tell Dave if he ever needs a quick sugar fix, he should know where to come...Jeff is the SNACK KING! He doesn't need to go out by all of that junk, we do it ALL of the time!

Lara Neves said...

I love it! My girls have all had their various shoe obsessions. Glad to see it isn't just a female thing.

And that first photo you posted is just breathtaking!

Danielle said...

Sarah was ALL about boots for a couple of years. We had several pair. Luckily, we live in a town where such boots are easy to come by. Tell Dave his Heber roots must be making an appearance through Ben.

Malisa said...

Wouldn't you be obsessed if you had those boots too?

tonandboys said...

Too Cute! I must live in the country, because my first thought was, "those boots are the cleanest, shiniest boots I have ever seen." That is just too cute! The pink ones are my favorite:)