Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Reason Behind the Insanity?

I just had an exciting thought...

I've been trying to be more organized for most (OK, all) of my adult life. I've been praying to be more organized for years. Now, I don't live in filth or anything, but I will admit that my desk is rarely (never) cleaned off, my closets are rarely (never) all cleaned out at once, and let's not even talk about my laundry/storage room (or as I fondly refer to it, The Pit).

So MAYBE the only reason we've felt inspired to move forward on this house thing is so that I can get organized! Wouldn't that be great? I'll have a cleaned up, organized house that has to be buyer-ready every day, and I'll learn all kinds of great habits that will carry over into the rest of my life.

And my house won't sell, but that will be OK, because we'll be so in love with our clean, hip, decorated and organized home that we won't even need to add on, let alone move to this scary new place.

So that's my new idea for the day. Maybe it will help me get through the mountains of tasks I have ahead of me.

(My neighbor keeps telling me I should get excited about the move. I'm just not there yet. Can you tell?)


Danielle said...

Let me know if the attitude works, because I too am organizationally challenged.

Lara Neves said...

the ONLY good thing about moving, in my opinion is the forced organization!

Good luck!

Our EyreLife said...

Well, well, well!!! Such big changes! As Dustin and I were talking about OUR big change coming, he asked, "Are you really ready for this?!" and I said, "No!" But the truth is that we want this, we need this, and we will surely be ready for it in the next 4 months we have to prepare for it. As you prepare and get yourself in the bustle of it all, it will start to come as something you're ready for. I'm sure of it.

Man, I'd buy your house in an instant if I could!!!

Malisa said...

I am going to attempt to parallel your organization without all the stress and yuckiness you get to deal with. It can happen, right?

Liz said...

Well, I'll take that reason! Maybe I should pretend like we're moving! I'm typing this with my arms on mountains of papers and a binder, all of which should be organized somehow.???

Megan said...

I love this take on things! Wouldn't it be awesome if those habits really do carry over? Let me know, cause I might be even more inclined to move if it works! :)

Lori said...

I think I'll take a disorganized chaos over having to move (and all it entails) anyday of the week. That being said, I am organized. But I HATE HATE HATE the physical act of moving. When we moved into the last house I told my husband "the next time I move, you are taking me out of state" (b/c I refused to move again locally) Guess what? God was laughing b/c he moved us out of the country.
Pack on you crazy woman! Pack on!