Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Retiring of the Boots

Must all good things come to an end? I noticed that Ben's little sweet kissable feet have been getting blisters. I blamed his sockless boot-wearing, but even adding socks to the mix didn't help them heal. It's time to face sad facts. The boots and Ben must part ways.

Lucky us, though...just in the nick of time John and Katy found an old pair of Cole's rain boots that they have passed on to little Ben. They probably can't be worn to weddings, but they'll make us all happy whenever we see Ben tramping around in them.


Danielle said...

Who says you can't wear rain boots to a wedding? He could start a trend.

Liz said...

CUTE!!! I'll miss those cowboy boots, too!

Amber said...

Those yellow boots are great! Hard to grow out of adorable phases, huh?

Gaylene said...

Whatever will Ben do without those adorable boots.
Thank goodness for the Bertola's