Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Race

I just checked out my official race pictures from the half marathon on Saturday. You know, the ones the photographers take all along the route, including at the finish line, then post in hopes you'll spend a fortune on multiple poster-size pictures of yourself to hang all over your house? Yeah, those. Let me just say two words:

Truly Terrifying.

If that is how I look when I run, I may never run again. And no, I won't post a link. I am red-faced, white-armed, exhausted, sweaty, and scary. I look like I may just keel over at any moment. Somehow, when I picture myself running, I imagine that I have a lovely long stride, look ever-fresh, athletic, young and beautiful, and my face shows my glee to have the opportunity to enjoy the beauties of nature. The truth is hard to take.

But the race, overall, was a great experience. I love running with Liz, and she is an amazing friend. She stayed with me until I totally bonked and FORCED her to go on at about mile 10. It took much convincing, but she finally listened to her older, wiser (ahem) friend.

Good memories of the race: Seeing our friend Lesa before the race. Seeing how many thousands of people have worked so hard to accomplish a goal. Loving that the weather FINALLY turned decent. Conversations with Liz. Passing more people than last time. Turning onto 2700 South and seeing our families and friends cheering us on (what a joy). Powering up the hill on State Street and deciding that my hillwork has indeed paid off. Finishing almost 10 minutes faster than my PR. Malisa and Daniel finding us after the race after her very first 5K (which she did pushing her daughter in a stroller. Way to go, Malisa.) Seeing David, Sophie, my nephew Bryan (who finished his first half with multiple 2-inch blisters, but still managed a great time) and his family. Being reminded of what a gorgeous gorgeous valley I live in.

Not as good memories of the race: Really, just having to take a pitstop at 7-11 (yes, 7-11. Don't mock me.), feeling totally crummy for a couple of miles and not being able to make it under 2. Next time maybe I'll figure out how to avoid tummy troubles and I'll bury my PR again. Oh, and although I know Liz really meant it when she said she wanted to stay with me, I wish I'd made her leave a mile earlier, because then she would have made her goal. But she is truly a remarkable friend, and I am so grateful for her. (Oh, and she was even on the news. Maybe she won't talk to me anymore now that she's famous.)

In the middle of the race, I wondered why I do this when it feels so hard. And then I finished and knew I'd do it again. Some kind of crazy, I guess.


Liz said...

Wow, you described that race perfectly! We'll figure out that one "issue," and yes you're right...we'll do another! Thanks for making me look cool, which I'm NOT, and thanks for letting me run with you, because you ARE cool! And...according to my watch, I RAN it in under 2...I wasn't RUNNING for the rest of the time! Wink, wink! Love the Garmin!

Liz said...

Oh, and thanks for not linking to those horrible pictures! Only horrible because of the giant next to you! You DO have a lovely long stride, and you do look youthful and full of energy! :)

Lisa said...

Hey I am just impressed that you can finish a run like that. You are amazing to set and accomplish such goals.

Lori said...

I'm most impressed that you made a pitstop at 7-11 and still beat your PR by 10 min. Just be thankful there WAS a place to pee! I'd like to meet one person that LIKES their race photos- and when you meet them, let me know. I have only ever bought one race photo and that was for my full. It was necessary in order to visually see the torture I put my body through and is a reminder of why I won't do it again. It hangs framed in the basement near the treadmill. Keep up the good work my friend!

Amber said...

Congratulations, Kerri! That must have felt great...endorphically speaking. The 7-11 Pitstop really funny. That's my big fear of running long distances...tummy troubles!!

Elisa said...

My sister ran that race as well! Hooray for 7-11!

I can't even run to the mail box. Well. I guess I can. I just don't.