Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Swine Flu is Coming, the Swine Flu is Coming

Have you heard about this little thing called Y2K, I mean anthrax, I mean bird flu, I mean the crazy liberal agenda, I mean swine flu?

It's terrifying, isn't it? I think I'd better keep my family home from school and work. Oh, and tape up my windows with plastic and duct tape. And get my shotgun out to protect my food storage from those people who aren't as prepared as we are.

Honestly, I'm tired of fear. I'm sick and tired of people trying to make me afraid. I'm not afraid of the swine flu. ANY flu can kill you. Did you know that? 36,000 people in the US die a year of the normal flu. Did you know that? Josh got the normal flu, remember, and had a fever for 19 days, remember? Believe me, I don't have any fondness for the flu. And while I understand the danger in a flu epidemic, I refuse to live my life in fear.

The natural world can wallop us. But do you know what? We're strong. We're resilient. We're capable of surviving hard things. Even if the worst things happen to us, we can rebound.

But there are two things that really do terrify me: hatred and ignorance. When I consider Rwanda, or the holocaust, or any form of genocide, it seems to me that when we take these two ingredients and mix them together and spark them with (you guessed it) fear, you have a recipe for tragedy on an enormous scale. And really, it's what man does to man that seems to be truly horrific.

You know what combats those two things? Love and education.

And one more thing that scares me. Conservatives.

OH, I AM SO KIDDING. It's really the liberals that scare me. No, it's the inflammatory talk show hosts. No, it's the liberal media. No, it's lion-tamers. They're so unnatural. No, it's people who listen to country music. No, it's romance-novel readers. No, it's vegans. No, it's teenagers.

No. It's hatred and ignorance.


Gaylene said...

Well said! I'm not sure I agree with the country music though!

Lara Neves said...

Amen, sistah!

The Dunham Family said...

I think I fall into a couple of your categories.....Are you afraid of me?

Kerri said...

Maybe I need to be super clear so I don't offend anyone...I am not scared of conservatives or liberals or lion tamers or people who listen to country music or vegans or teenagers.

I am, however, a little fearful of talk show hosts. And sharks. Well, not really sharks.

Liz said...

You BETTER have your shot gun ready! You know those one neighbors across the street...yah, those ones...they're not as prepared as you are, so look out! (Wait, if it's powdered sugar or pineapple chunks they'll have to look somewhere else! wink, wink!) Oh, and I heard that they've been wrestling A LOT of pigs lately!!! Be afraid, be very afraid!

Danielle said...

Merci beaucoup! I am so tired of everyone freaking out and in turn freaking my kids out. If they cancel school up here I may just cry.

Emilia said...

Yes ma'am! :)

Lisa said...

DITTO!!! Very well said

Megan B. said...

Well said!

The Dunham Family said...

Kerri, I hope you know I was kidding--I know you are not afraid of me.
I love country music but I know what you were thinking......LOL

tonandboys said...

Well said! So wonderful to hear someone speak some sense. we have nothing to fear but fear itself.. and lately.. plenty of that going around.

Wendi said...

That was simply a masterpiece. Seriously, I couldn't agree more. I honestly think that most people are more comfortable with fear than they are with their own education. You should publish what you wrote~

Nicole said...

I'm Malisa's friend, Nicole. I read my husband the first paragraph of this post and he said I've never met this person but I already know I like her. Very funny and much needed post--thank you.

Our EyreLife said...

I totally agree. I have one friend who has ordered 100 masks, tons of gloves, has kept her husband home from work, and isn't leaving the house until its all over. She thinks she's being smart...I think she's rediculous. But whatever.

Debbie and Boys said...

I agree, publish it! I love that how you really know what the flu can do and you state that you refuse to live in fear. Thank you for standing up!