Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The SECOND First Day of School

We had a second first day of school yesterday. I let the kids have last week off since it was UEA and there was no school Thursday and Friday anyway. This was a good decision, as on Monday of last week, I couldn't find my own head, let alone clothes, backpacks, shoes, and lunchboxes.

So sending my children to new schools...not my favorite. This was the first day of school with the most anxiety I have ever experienced, except when I myself started junior high. I made myself gulp back the tears after I left Josh at the front desk of the junior high after we registered him, looking brave but a little daunted. I've been trying not to let myself get emotional right now. There's just too much to be emotional about. So after I dropped off the girls for their first morning (LATE. LATE!!!! The junior high registration took TOO MUCH TIME and so they were LATE!!!! Those poor girls), I shoved the emotions down further and tried to power through the day.

This didn't work so well. 4:00 found me in my closet (Yes! My new closet has enough room to be a good hiding place! Exciting!) sobbing on the phone to David after the kids came home stressed and frustrated.

I guess it's better to deal with the emotions in the moment.


The orchestra program in the junior high is amazing. Josh is in the advanced orchestra and he said there were hundreds of kids. That may be a (slight) exaggeration, but still! Considering the devastation that was the music program at his last junior high, this is great news.

Kate's teacher was darling and one of the girls she has met on the street is in her class. Blessing. Kate was very very nervous, so this helped enormously. She also made a new friend, and her teacher is great at communicating with me.

Sophie met two girls that she liked pretty well and she saw the boys across the street who have been so friendly to us.

So hooray. I think I'll stick with the positives for today. I could throw out some negatives, but as you know, I'm enjoying bottling up my emotions to deal with later.

In the closet.

About 4:00.


Liz said...

Hello fellow blogger!!! I love that we're on the computer at the same time! :) I'm glad you're finding so many positives! They'll continue to come! You can also hide in the mud room, or the food room in the basement, or the laundry room, or the garage, or any of your closets, or AT MY HOUSE if you need to! Love you!!! Keep smiling! (Ran by myself today. Thought about you as I went up the hills!)

Tracy said...

Poor girl... deep breaths.... sure hope it gets a little easier each day! You are a wonderful lady. :)

Lara Neves said...

That is exactly what worries me about moving my children so much. I don't think I could have ever handled changing schools as a child, but I guess they're more resilient than I give them credit for.

I love the positives. They will keep growing until they are (almost) the only thing left. I especially love that the orchestra has hundreds of kids in it. Where do they rehearse? ;)

Stay in your closet as long as you need to.

Danielle said...

I find that things are usually hardest on me, and unfortunately my memory is the longest. My kids get over stuff way faster than I. I'm sending happy vibes your way.

Gaylene said...

I love closets so large you can lay in them, cry in them--have parties in them, whatever suits you at the moment. Mine I truly can't find, so I may just head to your house. We really do miss you! I know Liz does!

Stephanie said...

Oh Kerri. Crying is good. Closets are good. Crying... It's a very cleansing activity, and I've found it helps a lot when dealing with the stress of a move. I've been found in a closet at least, at LEAST, once a week since our move. Hang in there!

Austin and Leslie said...

Don't forget Kerri, that Davis county offers a few things that Salt Lake didn't. What are they you ask? 1. Rick and Cherie 2. Steve and Kris 3. Staci and Brad 4. Bryan 5. Sometimes Bri. 6. Any other family members I'm not aware of that live in Davis county. So, when your new scary life gets too daunting to deal with, don't forget to depend on your family. I'm sure all of the above listed people would love for you, you and Dave, or you and your family to drop in or have dinner with them. Our family is the best. :) Hope the positives keep coming your way.

Amber said...

Hang in there! Your kids will have emotionally moved on long before you do. I advise a good quantity of chocolate to be permanently housed in your closet.