Sunday, November 16, 2008

Giving Thanks, Day 16

I am grateful that my parents are safe and that their house didn't burn down yesterday.

Yorba Linda was on fire yesterday, did you hear? Scared me. Scared me more today when I couldn't reach my parents on the phone and worried that they might have been evacuated, like so many thousands were. Every time the answering machine answered, I was grateful, though, because I figured if the answering machine was still working, the house must still be there.

My heart aches for my family's friends who have lost homes. I hope they had time to get important things out of the house. I am so grateful for my safety, and I guess this a good reminder to get my house in order just in case something tragic happens. Pictures on DVDs, important papers in a fireproof safe, maybe..., oh, and make sure our 72-hour kits are updated.


Liz said...

I was thinking about your parents yesterday. I'm glad they're safe. I still haven't checked on my Grandma. I'll call my mom right now! I'm thankful for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I think you know someone who could update your 72 hour kits! haha we sell them at the shop just in case you need new ones! :)

Wendi said...

Glad to hear they are okay. I was totally thinking about you and your parents and how close they really were.