Saturday, November 22, 2008

Giving Thanks, Day 21 & 22

Day 21

I'm grateful for my new niece, Evelyn Rose.

How truly wonderful to have a new baby to love...Evie is a beautiful baby with a beautiful name and a beautiful mom and a beautiful family. I'm so thankful for her safe arrival, and that she's just around the corner when I start needing a baby fix.

Day 22

I'm grateful for David's help organizing our under-the-stairs closet and desk area.

Oh boy. Paper clutter is my nemesis. (So is chocolate milk.) I can't tell you how many preschool pictures, receipts, vacation memorabilia, and just plain junk I have had boxed up under the's just too overwhelming. So we've spent all day today cleaning out, and I am at the So Done I Want to Cry stage. Well, maybe not cry, but at least take a hot shower and pretend that my entire family room downstairs is not covered in piles.


Danielle said...

I love the name Evelyn Rose, how beautiful! I too am a paper clutter gal. I wish you well in your endeavor and think of me still finding barf in my van!

Malisa said...

I love the name Evelyn too.

And GOOD FOR YOU Miss Organization. I wonder where you get the inspiration?

Austin and Leslie said...

I totally know what you are going through!!! Austin and I have been married four years in December and it is INSANE the stuff we collect (namely me), but our entire second bedroom for the last two of the three years we've lived in our apartment, is designated as our "junk" room. It got to the point where I could only open the door, but not walk in. For my birthday, my parents got me a big closet and sterilte containers to help with the junk problem. How's that for bad - my parents got me birthday gifts to help me organize. And I've been at that stage too of "Want to be so done", and sadly, I'm still not completely done with the room, however, it is SOOO much better than at the beginning of the month. :) There is hope.


Austin and Leslie said...

Oh, PS - I have some papers I got about getting rid of paper clutter and organizing. It's really really good. Both my mom and I have really used the tips. Would you like them?