Sunday, February 28, 2010

Naan 2.27.10

I'm not sure I dare admit it, but Saturday was a pretty dreadful day.

It shouldn't have been, but I didn't run in the morning, and lately, the run is essential for a happy mommy.

And then the dog was disgusting and made me super angry. It's wrong to be super angry at a 14 year old dog, but sometimes it just happens. Especially when she...

Well, you don't need to know what she did, but it was not something I wanted to clean up.

The kids were good, though, and their last lesson before Federation went well (even Josh's went well. He has pulled another Kerri and procrastinated preparation until JUST BEFORE THE PERFORMANCE, but he and I have spent some quality time at the keyboard, and it's possible he may play fairly well on Saturday. Possible. We'll see.)

But at 11:00 pm (while David was taking Keith L. to the airport after the concert) (which I missed, even though it was the Cliburn silver medalist playing Rach 3) (because I didn't want to ask Josh to babysit yet again), I decided to make naan for my Primary class. I was teaching the 4 year olds that "Jesus once was a little child" and the lesson suggested having the children try some food that Jesus might have eaten.

And while it's not likely Jesus had flatbread made from white flour, I thought it would be worth trying.

And it was good. But not as good as Sarka's flatbread, as Josh pointed out this morning. I already knew that. I've got to find out how she does it.


Lara Neves said...

Great idea for a lesson...I love Naan. And I'm glad it pulled you out of your Saturday funk a little bit.

PS: WV=stless. To stress less, no?

tonandboys said...

Wow! I am impressed. Lucky kids. I mean, who knows how to make naan? not me. That is too cool. I am impressed that you missed out on something you would love for your kids and your primary class. Too sweet!

tonandboys said...

p.s. thanks for your advice on my blog. It was just exactly what I needed. I was too scared to admit the part that was really eating me up: having a really hard time forgiving...and it makes me really mad at myself. I am amazed that you perceived all that from my little blo, when my husband can't figure it out after listening to me complain day after day. Well, maybe he was just too scared to say it..maybe..Thank You! You gave me the strength to keep trying, and reminded me that it is possible.

Malisa said...

Daniel and I went to an Indian buffet tonight which included as much naan as wished. Mmmmm. Good for you for making it!