Thursday, July 29, 2010


Three years ago, David was out of town on tour in Southern Utah. The kids were in bed and I was relaxing when I heard siren after siren after siren rushing past my house. A little while later, David called. He sounded so relieved after he heard my voice. I asked what was up, and he asked if I'd been watching the news. He had, and the newscaster announced a family had been hit by a drunk driver in our neighborhood and he wanted to make sure it wasn't us.

It wasn't us. But it was my friends' bishop's family, my childrens' schoolmates. And the loss of Michelle, pregnant with their fifth baby, sixth grade Ben and fourth grade Anna broke our collective hearts instantly.

My heart has been touched again and again by Chris Williams' willingness and ability to forgive the teenager who made such a terrible, terrible choice with such lasting consequences.

(Double click on the clip: My columns are too small to be able to show the whole screen. Sorry!)

Christ's Atonement is real. The gift He gives us of forgiveness and redemption can provide all of us with healing, with peace, and with knowledge.

We will all find that life's journey is so often treacherous, uphill, exhausting, painful. Since our loss in June, I have come to see how much company there is for me on this journey of grief. I'm beginning to understand that sometimes we are acquainted with grief so we can lift others along their own path. It's not a trip we willingly take, but once we've started down the path, we sometimes find that there is a strange loveliness about it.


Lara Neves said...

Wow. That was amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

Natalie said...

That was very beautiful. What an incredible example Chris is setting for all to follow. I admire his courage to tell his story and to live such an forgiving life. Thanks for sharing!

Malisa said...

That was difficult for me to make it through. Could barely see the screen. I doubt I would be as graceful in grief.

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